Welcome, Daeva

Atreia is the "planet" in the Aion universe where the game is played. Unlike planets of our universe, Atreia resembles two hollow hemispheres (or rather, "hemi-shells") with a single axle tower, the Tower of Eternity, connecting the centers of the two halves. Life flourished inside the shell-like bowels, while the "surface" of the world is barren. The two races don't live on the exterior of the planet (as we do on the earth e.g.). By contrast they live on the inside of the hemisphere halves of the planet.
Due to a catalytic event during the Millennium War, the Tower of Eternity is now broken, and rifts in the fabric of space known collectively as the Abyss now occupy much of the center of Atreia.
The following project shows essence/aether gathering and rift locations across the maps of Atreia. It may be incomplete as I am not playing Aion anymore, but still keep coming back to update this project from time to time. Feel free to check it out and send any comments you might have my way.
7.0 :: New Feature :: Search Resources by name
Update :: New location is aionmaps.com
6.0 :: Database moved from XML files to MySQL database
5.5 :: Images are now in WebP format by default with old JPEG fallback for unsupported browsers
5.4 :: UI now works on smartphones too. Not perfect layout but hey it works!
5.3 :: Updated region select menu on the left to the new menu-like look and feel.
5.2 :: Small UI internal rework for the better while keeping overall UI the same
5.1 :: Internal error handling mechanisms are now better. Also, performance should be faster due to database loading optimizations
Update :: New official project location is now aionproject.ml
5.0.5 - 5.0.6 :: Few internal changes ... front-end experience still remains the same :)
5.0.4 :: Added Haramel & Taloc's Hollow instances under Instances zone. Fixed node locations image generation to closely resemble the actual locations on the maps
5.0.2 :: Added Dark Poeta under Instances zone
5.0.1 :: Improved internal database structure
5.0 :: UI redesign and improvements over previous sloppy versions
4.0 :: Original UI redesign and few small adjustments
3.0 :: Database moved to XML format. Added Balaurea maps
2.0 :: Small internal fixes, but otherwise same as previous version
1.0 :: Project is born and with quick and rather sloppy UI and internal code (with database stored as bunch of files with locations). Hey, it worked at least!